The Mid-State Amateur Radio Club
W9MID – Franklin, Indiana
About MARC and W9MID:
The Mid-State Amateur Radio Club (MARC), a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, is a general interest Amateur Radio Club located in Franklin, Indiana. MARC Monthly Meetings are at 8:00 AM on the third Saturday of each month, except for the September picnic lunch.
W9MID is the FCC-issued callsign of the club’s two repeaters and APRS digipeater.
The Mid-State Amateur Radio Club is affiliated with the American Radio Relay League (ARRL). ARRL is the national association for Amateur Radio in the US, founded in 1914. ARRL publishes the monthly journal QST in addition to newsletters and publications covering all aspects of Amateur Radio. Visit the ARRL website at
You can download the MARC Brochure. Also, explore our club history under the Welcome To MARC/MARC History tab.
About Our Repeaters:
- Located in Greenwood, Indiana near Olive Branch Road and SR 135
- The Official SKYWARN repeater for Johnson County, Indiana
- 146.835 MHz and 443.525 MHz with a 151.4 PL tone and standard offsets for both
- Yaesu System Fusion (C4FM) Digital and WIRES-X on the 443.525 MHz repeater
- APRS Digipeater on 144.390 MHz
The Mid-State Amateur Radio Club’s weekly VHF W9MID ARES Net meets on Sunday nights at 7:00 PM (LOCAL). This is an open net and all licensed amateurs are invited and encouraged to participate.
About Amateur Radio:
The Amateur Radio Service (Ham Radio) is a federally licensed and administered service. Anyone, regardless of age, can get a license. After successfully passing an exam, you will be issued a call sign. Once licensed, ham radio operators use their radio stations to make contacts around the world.
Ham radio is one of the most exciting, friendly, useful, educational and high-tech hobbies around. Hams include a diverse group of people around the world — engineers, scientists, doctors, astronauts, students, teachers, boaters, pilots, retirees and famous celebrities. You never know who you’re going to talk to next.
We have resources on this website to help you study for and take the required exams. There are amazing things you can do with Ham Radio. Get on the air. The adventure awaits!