Johnson County, IN USA

License Testing & Prep

When All Else Fails...Ham Radio Comes Through

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1: 101 – A straight forward online course that covers the basic electronics needed for the technician license and more. NOTE: This course is for studying the electronics theory portion only. It DOES NOT cover all of the elements of the FCC exam.

2: – Testing options for visually challenged users with its option for “no figures” in the exam.

3: – Check the resources link for test and study resources.  Bookmark this one as a good information source once you get your license!

4: Flash Cards – Practice exams and question pools with multiple choice answer format or the correct answer only options.

5: – Flash cards and practice exams developed by Richard Bateman, KD7BBC and sponsored by ICOM America.

6: Ham – Online question pools in many formats. On line test with score tracking and question pools with either multiple choice answer format or the correct answer only options.

7: Fred Benson, NC4FB – Several exam practice tools 

8: AH0A Ham Academy

9: KB6NU’s No-Nonsense Study Guides 

10: Jack Tiley AD7FO Technician Class Syllabus

11: – Test question pool with correct answers only and formatted for use with: ARRL Ham Radio License Manual 3rd Edition